Google Apps for Business - Renewal Happening Tomorrow
Google Apps for Bussinessを契約して3年が経ちました。こういうメールが毎年、契約日前に飛んできます。3年まえと今では革命的にAppsの機能が進化したと思います。(僅か、3年でこれだけ変わるとは...)使い始めた時も「なんと便利、高機能だ!」と感動しのだけど。
Google Apps for Business - Renewal Happening Tomorrow - Guaran Mail:
Hello, Our records indicate that your Google Apps for Business service for will renew soon. On March 28, 2013, we will renew the following plan: Auto-renew. To change your renewal options please go to yoursubscription management page. If you have any questions about your subscription renewal, you can visit the Google Apps help center. Additionally, as a current Google Apps for Business customer, you can contact our support team if you have any issues. Please do not respond to this email as replies are not monitored. |
Google Apps for Business - Renewal Happening Tomorrow - Guaran Mail: