Taliban's attack on Pakistan education goes beyond one girl

Taliban's attack on Pakistan education goes beyond one girl - latimes.com: "When police do make arrests, said Babak, the provincial education minister, judges often release the suspects weeks later, citing shoddy investigative work."

パキスタン SWABI地方:学校はタリバンにより破壊されて黒板も机も無い中でこどもたちが勉強している。
Malalaの居たSWAT 地区よりより西の地域ではタリバンによる教育施設や勉強しようとするこどもたちへの攻撃が激しい。
The Pakistani Taliban is an amalgam of militant factions bent on toppling the government and imposing Islamic law. It regards government education as secular and therefore un-Islamic."Their view of education is that it should be largely limited to the Koran, as it's understood by them,"

The Taliban's deep animosity for girls' education reflects the group's desire to thwart any kind of empowerment of women, said Jillani. "It's part of an overall oppression of women," she said. "The right for a woman to marry who she wants, her right to inheritance — it's all part of it."

When police do make arrests, said Babak, the provincial education minister, judges often release the suspects weeks later, citing shoddy investigative work.


