Malala to return to Pakistan despite threats

Malala to return to Pakistan despite threats - Europe - Al Jazeera English:

"I first laughed at it because all of our sacrifices, my personal [sacrifices], or this attack on my daughter, cannot have such a cheap purpose that we would go to some other country and live the rest of our life there,"


The mission she has taken forward and the education awareness that has spread across Pakistan is all Malala's doing," he(Interior Minister Rehman Malik ) said, according to PTV. "So I think that our entire nation should be proud of her love for the soil of her country.


Malala襲撃に関係する6名が逮捕されたようですが、主犯と目されるAtta Ullah Khan, a 23-year-old man from the Swat districtは、逃亡中。まだ、今回の事件の背後関係や襲撃時の詳細はわかっていないようです。

