Beijing Air Pollution Off the Charts -
北京の空気汚染がひどいとのニュース。アメリカ大使館が観測を始めた2008年以降で最高の値である755を記録した。二年まえにある大使館員がTwitterで“Crazy Bad”と表現した500という数値をはるかに上回った。指標範囲外=Beyond Indexとの表現。
301 and 500 are “Hazardous,” meaning people should avoid all outdoor activity.300を超えたら戸外での活動を避けなければならない数値だけど、恒常的に超えている状況にある。ニューヨークの値は日曜日のPM6:00で19だった。北京のダウンタウンでは数ブロック先の高層ビルが見えないほどになっている。
Beijing Air Pollution Off the Charts -
@BeijingAir というEPA(Unaited States Emviromental Protection Agency)が発信するツイッターがある。
The scale and thresholds are based on the U.S. EPA standards at
Good 0-50
Moderate 51-100
Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups 101-150
Unhealthy 151-200
Very Unhealthy 201-300
Hazardous >300
The data used by this application comes from the U.S. Embassy via Twitter feed - BeijingAir. The description at Twitter indicates that the data comes from a MetOne BAM 1020 particle monitor located in NE Chaoyang District. We sometimes see "missed" hours each day (from 1 to multiple days) where the data we retrieve is empty. This is normal...please be patient.
USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. We are not responsible for any bad decisions you make by using data from this application. Because the data is provided by an anonymous 3rd party (not involved with this application), we can make no guarantee of quality, accuracy, stability, update frequency or future existence of this data. Also note that these numbers may be different than other numbers reported by government agencies whose monotoring stations are located in different parts of the